The Villages Nursing and Rehab increased their per case reimbursement by $800-$1,200 per day with MedaSync's artificial intelligence software.
Read the Case Study now.
Key Results
$800-$1,200 additional revenue per day
Pre-claim, daily reimbursement alerts guide the MDS team through the patient data collection process ensuring all SLPs, NTAs and Nursing components are captured.
80% less time spent on patient reviews
Easy to use dashboards eliminates the need for numerous utilization review meetings and countless hours spent manually reviewing patient records.
33% less billing resubmissions
Real-time clinical analysis allows the team to focus on getting the assessment and claim right the first time - leading to less work during the trip-check process.
We'd Love to Share More...Virtually of course!
See how MedaSync can help your SNF get the most out of the efforts you put forth with every patient in a private demo.